Mike Huckabee seems to have little connection with the real world. He frequently shoots his mouth off and says positively outrageous things.
His latest is that he said he wouldn’t rule out the use of federal troops or the FBI to stop abortions. That’s pretty crazy!
I guess he isn’t actually running for President but instead is running for Supreme Leader of the Christian Taliban. He’s apparently going to ignore laws and use his new army in a sort of crusade for the Huckabee brand of twisted Christianity across America.
But then again, I guess if Obama can use federal troops to take over Texas and use FEMA to process Texans into FEMA “death domes,” why can’t Huckabee use federal troops to enforce his warped view of religion?
Filed under: 2016 Presidential Race, Abortion, Bible, Christian Taliban, GOP, Mike Huckabee, Republicans, right wing extremists, Right Wing Politics, Women's Rights Tagged: 2016 Presidential Race, Abortion, Christian Taliban, Conservative Politics, GOP, Mike Huckabee, Republican, Republicans, Right Wing Politics, right-wing, Women's Rights